First they came for the Leftists, but I didn’t speak out because I hated “Crooked Hillary”.

Then they came for the Mexicans,  but I didn’t speak out because they were rapists and drug dealers.

Then they came for the Muslims, but I didn’t speak out because most of them were terrorists.

Then they came for the Latino immigrants, but I didn’t speak out because most of them couldn’t speak English?

Then they came for the Black people, but I didn’t speak out because they all lived off of entitlements and couldn’t stay out of jail?

Then they came for the homosexuals, but I didn’t speak out because they all chose an unhealthy, un-manly lifestyle?

Then they came for the atheists,  but I didn’t speak out because they didn’t embrace my Gods.

Then they came for the Jews, but I didn’t speak out because they ruled the world through ZOG.

Then they came for single, sexually active women,  but I didn’t speak out because they were all sluts and whores.

Then they came for the Christians,  but we didn’t speak out because people didn’t understand that we in the Alt-Right are Aryan Pagans!.

Martin Niemöller “was a German anti-Nazi theologian[1] and Lutheran pastor. He is best known for his statement “First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Socialist …… and there was no one left to speak for me.”

“He was a national conservative and initially a supporter of Adolf Hitler,[2] but he became one of the founders of the Confessional Church, which opposed the nazification of German Protestant churches. He vehemently opposed the Nazis’ Aryan Paragraph,[3] but made remarks about Jews that some scholars have called antisemitic.[4] For his opposition to the Nazis’ state control of the churches, Niemöller was imprisoned in Sachsenhausen and Dachau concentration camps from 1937 to 1945.[5][6] He narrowly escaped execution. After his imprisonment, he expressed his deep regret about not having done enough to help the victims of the Nazis.”

Look at the story of this Pastor above and think about all of those Republicans and some Democrats,  who have supported Donald Trump, ignored his frightening bigotry and the Fascist sensibilities of the group of advisors that have his ear.  Note that Niemöller was initially a Hitler supporter, but seemed to have had a change of heart after he too wound up in a NAZI Concentration Camp.  The Pastor of course lived through World War II and died at the age of 92 in 1984.  Unfortunately, about 8 million people, Jews, Gypsies, Catholics and homosexuals weren’t as lucky.

hitler_portrait_crop495px-Donald_Trump_by_Gage_SkidmoreDs. Martin Niemöller neemt deel aan oecumenische samenkomst in de Grote Kert te Den Haag. Vlnr [Vrnl in spiegelbeeld!] . Ds M.N. W. Smitvoors (van de Haagse Oecumenische Raad), ds. Niemöller en prof. P. Kaetske, predikant van de Duitse Evangelische gemeente in Den Haag *27 mei 1952