

The Musings of Mike Spindell



Trump, Weinstein and Pence: Three Faces of American Misogyny

Perhaps the most ironic feat of conservative hypocrisy of the past month has been the alacrity with which the Right Wing has been castigating the Left about Harvey Weinstein. The talking points parroted by so many conservative commentators has involved... Continue Reading →

So the Misogynist Republican Party Is Shocked By Harvey Weinstein…..

It seems that the favorite tactic of Republican and conservative activists is that when confronted by their own hypocrisy, or misdeeds, rather than defending their actions, they shift the blame to "Libruls".  Since this misogynist moron became "Liar in Chief", ... Continue Reading →

We True American Patriots Must Stop Bringing Knives to Gunfights With These Trump Traitors

I originally published this in early October of 2017. Trump had been in power for 9 months, with Republicans controlling all three branches of government and things were looking bleak for Democrats. As much as I understood the threat that... Continue Reading →

The GOP Propaganda About Personal Responsibility Is Toxic Hypocrisy and Trump Proves It

There is one basic ideal that we Americans have heard over and again from so-called conservative intellectuals. That concept is the idea of people taking personal responsibility for their own lives.  You will find that across the board all Republican... Continue Reading →

Maybe It’s Not the Right Time To Talk About………..In the Republican Age of Trump

Some old, rich White Guy murders 59 people and shoots more than 500 more, while in a hotel room full of assault rifles and the Republicans keep repeating the mantra that it's not the right time to talk about gun... Continue Reading →

“How the Republican Party Has Conned America for Over 30 Years” – Sharing the Truth

If you really want to understand how it is that Republicans have been winning elections by getting people to vote against their own best interests, then you MUST read this article. Republicans have been running a con game against the... Continue Reading →

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