

The Musings of Mike Spindell


The Arts

So the Misogynist Republican Party Is Shocked By Harvey Weinstein…..

It seems that the favorite tactic of Republican and conservative activists is that when confronted by their own hypocrisy, or misdeeds, rather than defending their actions, they shift the blame to "Libruls".  Since this misogynist moron became "Liar in Chief", ... Continue Reading →

We True American Patriots Must Stop Bringing Knives to Gunfights With These Trump Traitors

I originally published this in early October of 2017. Trump had been in power for 9 months, with Republicans controlling all three branches of government and things were looking bleak for Democrats. As much as I understood the threat that... Continue Reading →

Is Trump a Moron, a Racist or Just an Obnoxious Boor?

My answer to the question posed by my title is that Trump actually can be described by all three of those negative nouns.  Throughout the torture of Trump's short presidency it seems clear that the majority of Americans would use... Continue Reading →

If You’re Not Angry and Fearful About Trump…..I Have No Time For You!

Just to be clear at the outset of this polemic, I am enraged that this malignant buffoon became our President and I fear for the futures of my progeny.  In my 70's, having almost died 7 years ago, prior to... Continue Reading →

In the Age of Trump the Eternal Cluelessness of the Avenging Mind

The election of Donald Trump entails far more than our country being led by an angry, revengeful narcissist,  who only sees the world as a reflection of his needs.  Supporting this man, once you get past the greedy oligarchs demanding... Continue Reading →

Football Fuels the American Oligarchy

Another season of American football,  the most popular and most wealth creating sport in our country, is underway all across our country.  Professional football's Super Bowl game,  watched by 100 million people has become the premier American Holiday, surpassing Christmas... Continue Reading →

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