Last night I watched the entire Republican Presidential Debate. My stomach churning at this unbelievable spectacle of no-nothing ignorance, made more dispiriting with the possibility that one of these unfit people may get the nomination. All that these people offer this country is continuing military actions; increasing our already bloated military budget; assurances that the wealthy will pay even less of their fair share for our government; and an oligarchy controlled by the wealth of a few. The litany of what is wrong with any of the possible Republican candidates, based on their stated positions, would be worth a 10,000 word essay on its own and I won’t bore you with it. Suffice it to say that I cannot in good faith vote for any of them. So for me the  question devolves on who I can vote for and support in this upcoming Presidential election.

For me the main political issue of this election is whether the control of this country by voracious corporate interests can be reined in. This particularly pertains to our financial and banking industry, which has become an amoral exercise in making money that produces nothing supportive of the American economy. In fact the complete emphasis on profit coming from “Wall Street” has been destructive to our country’s industrial base and from it flows all of the other evils plaguing our country, such as having the most expensive health care in the world.  Since this country’s democratic aspects have been severely limited by a self-perpetuating “two party” system, this leaves me with the choice of either voting for the nominee of the Democratic Party, or throwing my vote away on a candidate with no chance of positively affecting this election.

At present Hillary Clinton is seen as the person who will win the Democratic Presidential nomination. For me the problem with Hilary is that the policies she offers represent the failed centrist politics of her husband and of our current President Barack Obama. Their centrist policies are those of the Democratic Leadership Council and bear equal responsibility with the Republican Party for the deterioration of our country.

“The Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) was a non-profit 501(c)(4) corporation[1] founded in 1985 that, upon its formation, argued the United States Democratic Party should shift away from the leftward turn it took in the late 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. The DLC hailed President Bill Clinton as proof of the viability of Third Way politicians and as a DLC success story.

The DLC’s affiliated think tank is the Progressive Policy Institute. Democrats who adhere to the DLC’s philosophy often call themselves New Democrats. This term is also used by other groups who have similar views on where the party should go in the future, like NDN[2] and Third Way.[3]

On February 7, 2011, Politico reported that the DLC would dissolve, and would do so as early as the following week.[4] On July 5 of that year, DLC founder Al From announced in a statement on the organization’s website that the historical records of the DLC have been purchased by the Clinton Foundation.[5] The DLC’s last chairman was former Representative Harold Ford of Tennessee, and its vice chair was Senator Thomas R. Carper of Delaware. Its CEO was Bruce Reed.”

In my opinion the DLC bears direct responsibility for the rightward shift of the politics of our country and has actually empowered the radically Conservative elements within our country, by surrendering to the failed concepts of America made popular in the Reagan Administration.

“It is the opinion of the DLC that economic populism is not politically viable, citing the defeated Presidential campaigns of Senator George McGovern in 1972 and Vice-President Walter Mondale in 1984. The DLC states that it “seeks to define and galvanize popular support for a new public philosophy built on progressive ideals, mainstream values, and innovative, non-bureaucratic, market-based solutions.”[9]

The DLC has supported welfare reform, such as the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996,[10] President Clinton’s expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit,[11] and the creation of AmeriCorps.[12] The DLC supports expanded health insurance via tax credits for the uninsured and opposes plans for single-payer universal health care. The DLC supports universal access to preschool, charter schools, and measures to allow a greater degree of choice in schooling (though not school vouchers), and supports the No Child Left Behind Act. The DLC supports both the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA).”

As you can see, the political positions adopted by the DLC are those that would be consistent with the positions espoused by the Republican Party in the 1950’s. They are basically corporatist in nature and by these positions representing the formerly Left Leaning American political party, the have allowed the Republican Party to radically swing to the Right Wing of the political spectrum and give the appearance that this radical trend, bordering on fascism, is merely part of the mainstream political process in America.

As you see from the quote above the files of the DLC are now the property of the Clinton Foundation and one must agree that Hillary Clinton represents those values in her race for the Presidency.  There is, however, damning evidence that Hilary Clinton, if elected President will be both unwilling and unable to put controls on the American Financial industry, which was directly responsible for the economic collapse in 2008 and whose excesses continue to destabilize our financial system. Here is the evidence:

“Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders this week assailed rival Hillary Clinton for taking large speaking fees from the financial industry since leaving the State Department.

According to public disclosures, by giving just 12 speeches to Wall Street banks, private equity firms, and other financial corporations, Clinton made $2,935,000 from 2013 to 2015:

“Clinton’s most lucrative year was 2013, right after stepping down as secretary of state. That year, she made $2.3 million for three speeches to Goldman Sachs and individual speeches to Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley, Fidelity Investments, Apollo Management Holdings, UBS, Bank of America, and Golden Tree Asset Managers.

The following year, she picked up $485,000 for a speech to Deutsche Bank and an address to Ameriprise. Last year, she made $150,000 from a lecture before the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce.” The Intercept – Zaid Jilani

When financial institutions pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for the benefit of a 45 minute speech you can be certain that they are not looking to expand their knowledge base, but in fact are looking for a return on their investment. In addition you can be certain that someone is not invited back time and again to make these speeches if the content of what was being said wasn’t pleasing to the ears of these bankers. The old term is “Quid Pro Quo” which “means an exchange of goods or services, where one transfer is contingent upon the other. English speakers often use the term to mean “a favour for a favour”; phrases with similar meaning include: “give and take”, “tit for tat“, and “you scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours”.

The situation gets worse though as the Intercept article shows:

“Hillary Clinton’s haul from Wall Street speeches pales in comparison to her husband’s, which also had to be disclosed because the two share a bank account.

“I never made any money until I left the White House,” said Bill Clinton during a 2009 address to a student group. “I had the lowest net worth, adjusted for inflation, of any president elected in the last 100 years, including President Obama. I was one poor rascal when I took office. But after I got out, I made a lot of money.”

The Associated Press notes that during Hillary Clinton’s time as secretary of state, Bill Clinton earned $17 million in talks to banks, insurance companies, hedge funds, real estate businesses, and other financial firms. Altogether, the couple are estimated to have made over $139 million from paid speeches.”

So are we really to believe that this couple, who are now worth $139 million dollars from Banks, Insurance Companies, hedge funds, real estate businesses and other financial firms will be in favor of enacting legislation that wold be antithetical to the interests of these institutions that have made them extremely wealthy?

In the last Democratic debate there was an exchange between Hilary and Bernie, where Hilary said it was not necessary to re-impose the “Glass-Steagall Legislation”, which her husband helped to repeal at the end of of his Presidency. From the pages of the fiscally conservative U.S. News and World Report is this article from a former Hedge Fund Manager and Wall Street insider: “Repeal of Glass-Steagall Caused the Financial Crisis”. The article begins:

“The oldest propaganda technique is to repeat a lie emphatically and often until it is taken for the truth. Something like this is going on now with regard to banks and the financial crisis. The big bank boosters and analysts who should know better are repeating the falsehood that repeal of Glass-Steagall had nothing to do with the Panic of 2008.

In fact, the financial crisis might not have happened at all but for the 1999 repeal of the Glass-Steagall law that separated commercial and investment banking for seven decades. If there is any hope of avoiding another meltdown, it’s critical to understand why Glass-Steagall repeal helped to cause the crisis. Without a return to something like Glass-Steagall, another greater catastrophe is just a matter of time.”

You can follow the link to see why the author believes we must re-institute something like like “Glass Steagall” to prevent another financial meltdown, which is Bernie Sanders position, but certainly not Hillary Clinton’s position. She has categorically stated a “Glass Stegall” like bill is unnecessary. Call me a cynic but I see a direct correlation by those who have made the Clinton’s ultra wealthy and those who would never want “Glass-Steagall” re instituted. Obviously my choice for the Democratic Presidential nominee would be Bernie Sanders and this pro Sanders piece feels that he can indeed win the nomination  “Bernie Sanders Is Now the ‘Inevitable’ Democratic Nominee and Presidential Winner”. 

But I am all too aware of my fallibility in prognostication. So what will I do if Hillary Clinton, a person I see as a “Corporate Democrat”, who espouses financial positions I disagree with become the Democratic Presidential nominee? I believe that I will have no real choice except to vote for her, with all her flaws ans with her ties to those people who have played games with our economy to our detriment. Here are my reasons.

All of the Republican candidates hold social platform positions that I think are dangerous to our freedom and to the freedom of women, people of color and LBGT people. All of them hold positions that will hurt Social Security and Medicare, two programs that are essential to my life. All of the Republican group hold positions regarding the financial markets that are even more laissez faire  than Hilary Clinton’s positions.

Finally though the most dangerous prospect that we face as a country should arise in prospective nominees for the Supreme Court. Judicial Radicals like Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas have already deeply affected the political status quo in this country by electing a President in an unprecedented ruling and allowing unlimited campaign spending by the wealthy. We cannot afford to have another SCOTUS judge impaneled, who deems themselves “Constitutional Originalists”. It is these Judicial extremists who have been most beholden to a view of America that has never existed. For me it comes down to  the fact that Hilary Clinton is better for my interests than any perspective Republican nominee. Nevertheless, some may call me naive but until the moment of nomination my support will be with Bernie Sanders, who I believe represents the best hope for America

Lloyd Blankfein, Chairman & CEO, Goldman Sachs (L) stands on stage with former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during the 2014 Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting in New York September 24, 2014. AFP PHOTO/STEPHEN CHERNIN (Photo credit should read STEPHEN CHERNIN/AFP/Getty Images)
Lloyd Blankfein, Chairman & CEO, Goldman Sachs (L) stands on stage with former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during the 2014 Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting in New York September 24, 2014. AFP PHOTO/STEPHEN CHERNIN (Photo credit should read STEPHEN CHERNIN/AFP/Getty Images)