

The Musings of Mike Spindell



Five Things We’ve Learned (Or Haven’t Learned) About America in the Age of Trump

When I was a boy, so long ago, the 21st Century was a science fiction dream in a distant, hopeful future where the world be a better place and full of wonders. America was the land of the victors, with... Continue Reading →

Nobody Asked Me But……This is Why Hillary Lost and a Fraudulent Narcissist Became President

With the release of Hillary Clinton''s book What Happened a predictable media firestorm has erupted riddled with press pundit's punishing her once again for daring to speak her mind.  Much of the critiques of her book devolve around the premise that... Continue Reading →

Impeaching Trump is Just the Opening Gambit, Taking Back Our America is the End Game

So many millions of us are living with the anger and frustration of having an obviously despicable human being as President,  that in our discomfort and discontent all we desire is his removal from office.  One doesn't need polls to... Continue Reading →

The Betrayal By the American Conservative Movement Has Given Us Trump

We await the pronouncement by a Trump minion as to the fate of perhaps 1.7 million people, whose continued residency falls under the program called DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), instituted by President Obama. The narcissistic racist who is... Continue Reading →

The Deceitful Language of the Republican Agenda, Or What We Are Resisting In the Age of Trump

While language is what distinguishes us humans from the rest of the animals, the nuances of language are so diverse, that often it can be used to confound and confuse us.  We see that in politics language can be twisted... Continue Reading →

Call Me Queer!

The loathsome human being who has become President, tweeted a policy decision that affects our Armed Forces: "After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow Transgender individuals... Continue Reading →

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