

The Musings of Mike Spindell


The Arts

The Human Race is Endangered By Climate Change Stupid….Why Are You Right Wingers So Dumb?

Though I spend my summers in the mountains of New York, my home is located in South Florida and is now in imminent danger from Hurricane Irma. Still in my mountain bungalow, the TV is on constantly, providing updates as... Continue Reading →

You’re Dead to Me Heidi Heitkamp With Your Losing Bi-Partisan Ways

To my mind the ideal of Bi-Partisanship that many purported Democrats and most of the Washington Beltway Pundits cling to is stupid and self-defeating.  Repeating themselves time and again throughout 2016 and now 2017, are news media pundits longing for... Continue Reading →

Proof Positive That Many Trump Supporters Are Ignorant Fools

The following is so self-explanatory and self-evident that it is presented without my interpretation: Posts flood Twitter blaming Obama for Katrina response: "The posts appear to be responses to criticism of Trump’s visit to Texas on Tuesday in the wake... Continue Reading →

A Timeline of Trump Trickery, Thuggery and Treason

Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the current presidency is that this unstable person's nature is such that we are almost daily confronted with new outrages.  This indeed has been Trump's lifetime technique of obfuscation in order to cover up... Continue Reading →

The Real Origin of Our National Horror: Trump’s Revenge

The first news that greeted my still tired consciousness this morning was that Trump had rolled back Obama's ban on providing military grade weapons to police departments.  This news made me queasy because the militarization of America's police has long... Continue Reading →

Nobody Asked Me But………….Has God Just Smitten Texas?

Nobody Asked Me But............................ So many Christian Fundamentalists have blamed natural disasters on liberal policies that it causes me to wonder if God sent Hurricane Harvey to punish Texas for overwhelmingly supporting Trump? Could Trump have picked a more loathsome... Continue Reading →

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